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Is Your Child too young for online tutoring


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Using technology to aid learning is not a new concept. Since the 1990s, many children have benefited from digital learning including educational television shows, specially designed learning laptops, and electronic reading devices such as Leadpads.

Over the past decade, education has come to rely on technology, with digital devices now used widely in schools. This includes interactive whiteboards and tablets which support the teacher, homework tasks involving online games and quizzes, and laptops and computers in the classroom.

It’s vital that children learn to use technology from a young age so that they don’t get left behind in an ever-increasing digital world. But with younger children naturally having a shorter attention span than their older peers, is online tutoring really realistic for younger children?

Can online tutoring work with younger children?

The good news is, online tutoring can be highly effective with younger children if it is done in the right way. Experienced online private tutors will have a range of tactics to keep your child engaged whilst teaching them everything they need to know.

The benefit of private tuition is that it is generally done on a 1:1 basis, meaning that the online tutor can tailor the sessions to your child’s abilities and interests. A good tutor will also establish which learning techniques are most suited to your child, meaning that they can adapt the teaching materials to be as effective as possible for your child.

How to keep younger children engaged with online tutoring 

The best way to keep your young child engaged with online tutoring is to choose a tutor that your child relates to. It’s important to take your child’s personality into account when choosing a private tutor. Will they connect best with someone who is outgoing and funny or someone who is more reserved and serious?

It’s also important to carefully consider the time that your tutoring sessions occur. For young children, it’s best to avoid the evening when they may be tired. If you’re planning on booking a morning session, it’s a good idea to take your child for a quick walk or encourage them to play outside beforehand to burn off any excess energy so that they are ready to sit still.

To prepare for your child’s first online tuition session, offer your child a healthy snack half an hour before so that they aren’t distracted by hunger during the session. Try to choose a room where there are as little distractions as possible so that your child is able to focus on their learning.

How to find an online tutor

It can be difficult to find the right online tutor for your child. That’s where Bark comes in. Through Bark, you can view the profiles of every available online tutor to find the right one for your family. You can even read reviews from former clients to make sure they’re right for you.

Whether you’re looking for a maths tutor, an English tutor, a French tutor, or even a general primary school tutor, Bark can help. If you’re ready to start your search for an online private tutor for your child, you can find a tutor from OXford online home


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